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Promoting research careers among young Africans: The fantastic journey of Francis Sena Nuvey

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

From 2009 to 2023, Afrique One trained more than one hundred researchers at the Masters, PhD and Postdoc levels.

The first time I met Francis Sena Nuvey, in 2017, was in Grand Bassam, during the kick-off meeting of the Thematic Training Programme (TTP) on Foodborne Diseases of the Afrique One-African Science Partnership for Intervention Research Excellence (ASPIRE) programme

Research leaders presented the group's objectives and research questions. The TTP principal investigators were there to familiarise the fellows -- all of whom shared a commitment to a One Health research approach -- and to coach them in the development of their research projects.

From professional nurse...

Dr Katharina Kreppel, Training Coordinator for Afrique One from 2016 to 2023, explained how Nuvey had come to the programme: “Francis is a nurse by profession. He wanted to do a degree in epidemiology. That's why he applied for the Afrique One-ASPIRE programme. He [had been] disconnected from research for quite a while, but the most difficult thing was that Francis wanted to do work in mental health, while he was in a research group focusing on foodborne diseases.”

Nuvey explained his thinking at the time: “It was not easy, but I was encouraged by the idea of the programme to bring different disciplinary perspectives together to address important health issues at the human-animal-environment interface. Also, I was very curious to learn from the experiences of the people in the research group. I was reassured that I would not struggle to meet the goal of my specific project when the strategy, coaching and mentoring plan was presented to us.” Indeed, it wasn’t easy, and, indeed, he succeeded in designing his research project.

“With the coaching we gave him, Francis was able to formulate his research project. He decided to work on factors leading to livestock losses and its influence on the psychosocial wellbeing of livestock farmers in two districts in Ghana. We are proud of the work he has done”, said Prof Bassirou Bonfoh, Director of Afrique One. promising scientist

In six years (2017–2023), Francis defended his Master's degree in Ghana and his PhD thesis in Switzerland. In 2024, he was recruited as a postdoc to a lab in Germany under the new phase of Afrique One called, Afrique One-Research Excellence for African Challenges in Health (REACH).

Francis Nuvey reflects on this series of career opportunities and decisions. “Afrique One and other DELTAS Africa consortia have been invaluable to me. Afrique One has made me a fulfilled researcher. Afrique One provided me with high-quality scientific support, hard and soft skills, advice, and funding to do high-quality research and have a good family and professional balance. I got married in 2020 and have two children”, he says proudly.

During the course of his Afrique One grant, he published 12 research articles. He also obtained additional funding of over €75,000. “I also won four awards. The one at the One Health Congress in 2022 is the one I'm most proud of.”

Prof Bonfoh reflected: “The courage of Francis is to be commended. It shows how important investment in research and the promotion of young researchers is in bridging the knowledge gap in Africa. We are grateful to the Science for Africa Foundation and the Wellcome Trust for their funding, which has enabled us to produce quality young African researchers in one Health like Francis.”

From 2009 to 2023, Afrique One trained more than one hundred researchers at the Masters, PhD, and Postdoc levels. Some of these scientists are working today in institutions where they make major contribution to improving healthcare systems. Others, like Francis, are pursuing a career in research.