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Transfer of Grant and Equipment Policy

1.0 Purpose

Occasionally a grant holder may change departments or institution and would like to take their grant with them. This document describes the procedures associated with the transfer of Principal Investigators (PIs), grants and equipment between institutions, and the responsibilities of those involved with the transfer.

4.0 Policy Statement

Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) prior approval is required for the transfer of legal and administrative responsibility for an SFA Foundation grant-supported project, activity or equipment from one legal entity to another before the expiration date of the approved project period. Provided there is no scientific or other reason as to why the transfer should not happen, SFA Foundation would normally agree, in principle, to requests for transfer. SFA Foundation grant holders are expected to make full disclosure of any impending transfers and work within the confines of this policy.

3.0 Grant Holder Obligations 

3.1 Transfer of a grant to a new institution

Should a grant holder move to an eligible institution, and there are scientific or other reasons to support the transfer to the new institution, the following information is required:

  1. Written agreement to the transfer from the head of the department in which the grant was originally held; and
  2. Undertakings page (from the relevant application form) signed by the new head of department.

3.1.1 Original host institution obligations

When a grant holder plans to leave an institution during the course of a grant, the grant holder or the host institution, shall notify the SFA Foundation. The host institution must request that the grant be terminated and closed out.  The request should include:

  1. A brief summary of progress to date;
  2. Signed relevant SFA Foundation undertakings form;
  3. A description of work yet to be accomplished;
  4. Actual spend to date
  5. A budget broken down into cost categories for the transfer amount and any outstanding continuing grant increments.

3.1.2 Researchers remaining at the original institution

Where a grant is transferring with the grant holder, but researchers funded on the grant wish to remain at the original host institution, the grant holder would need to:-

  1. Provide, in writing, details of how the individual(s) and the work to be carried out by them would be supervised.
  2. Provide evidence that the institutions involved would agree to the arrangement.

3.13 Transfer of Funds

The transfer amount would be determined by the amount remaining after actual spend by the current institution is deducted from the award total.

3.2 Transfer of grants to a new grant holder at the same institution

Consideration may be given to transferring the grant holder status to an eligible co- grant holder in the following circumstances:

  1. Should a grant holder move to an ineligible institution, the individual may not take the grant with them.
  2. When the grant holder leaves the institution and there are scientific or other reasons for the grant to remain at the institution.

3.2.1 Notification of Transfer

Formal notification of the impending transfer can be initiated by either the grant holder or the grant holder’s institution and include:

  1. A brief summary of progress to date;
  2. CV of the new grant holder
  3. Signed SFA Foundation Undertakings
  4. A description of work yet to be accomplished;
  5. Actual Spend to date
  6. A budget broken down into cost categories for the transfer amount and any outstanding continuing grant increments.

3.3 Transfer of grants between departments within the same institution

A grant is allowed to be transferred from one department to another provided the host institution for the grant remains the same. The following information is required:

  1. Written agreement to the transfer from the head of the department in which the grant was originally held; and
  2. Undertakings page (from the relevant application form) signed by the new head of department.

3.4 Transfer of Equipment

  1. Should the individual move to another Low and Middle-Income Country (LMIC) institution during the tenure of the award (or within three years of termination of the award) and wishes to take the equipment with him or her, the SFA Foundation reserves the right to require that the equipment be transferred after discussion
  2. Where the grant holder intends to move to a High-Income Country (HIC) setting, transfer of equipment will not be allowed unless there is exceptional scientific rationale.
  3. Equipment purchased with SFA Foundation funds for use in a specific project should remain available for use for the duration of the project.
  4. Grant holders who are in the midst of projects that included funding for equipment and who will continue the project at a new institution with SFA Foundation support should be able to arrange with their original institution to have the equipment transferred with them.

Requests for transfer of equipment to a new institution should be approved by the SFA Foundation Programme Manager in collaboration with the SFA Foundation Director of Programmes.

3.5 Supplementation

The SFA Foundation does not provide supplementary funds to cover any additional costs that may be incurred as a result of relocating to a new institution (e.g. removal costs, location enhancement allowances). Such costs should be met from within the grant.

3.6 Bridging support

In cases where funds are required for salaries etc, and there may be some delay before the original institution can submit its End of Grant Spend Report, bridging support can be provided to the new institution out of existing funds.  Bridging support can only be provided where there are sufficient funds available. A formal award letter must be issued.

Related policy: Policy on Undertaking and Acceptance of Grants

For any queries on this policy, please contact [email protected]