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Mawuli Dzodzomenyo

Submitted by Charles M. Njagi on Wed, 09/11/2024 - 10:32

Climate change is already happening in Ghana and pregnant women and their newborns are a particularly vulnerable population to its effects. Data on climate indicators and maternal health outcomes exist in Ghana but need to be brought together and put in the hands of healthcare workers and community members, who could use it to prepare for climate change in real time. In this pilot project, we are working to bring together data collected by GMet and DHIMS2. Using artificial intelligence and a human-centred design approach to create a climate and health early warning tracking system that will be useful and user-friendly to health care workers providing maternal care in communities in Ghana.

Project Title
AI and HCD-Informed Early Warning System Design for Tracking the Community Effects of Climate Change on Maternal and Newborn Health
Sub Programme