Innovative climate-smart agricultural practices and knowledge scaling-up in vulnerable regions of Benin (INNOCSAB).
The project team will investigate to what extend climate-smart agricultural practices and knowledge scaling-up can contribute to building resilience of agro-ecosystems and human systems in West Africa. Studies have shown that most smallholders who rely heavily on agriculture do not always have the knowledge, information and training needed to adopt agroecological measures and sustainable farming systems that support land management. The project will use an innovative approach of scaling the use of climate information through the Participatory and Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA), combining existing CSA technologies to adapt and mitigate climate change effects by training extension services, farmers, NGO, and researchers using Climate Smart Villages and Valleys (CSV) and Rural Resource Centers (RRC). We will then assess improvement of the profitability, productivity and sustainability of smallholder farming, household nutritional security and dietary diversity and income generation through integrated crop, tree, and livestock production systems.