Consortia Name: West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens (WACCBIP DELTAS II)
Country: Ghana
Focus Area: DELTAS Africa II
The unifying goal of the WACCBIP DELTAS II consortium is to use deep research approaches to gain a thorough understanding of the disease mechanisms for some of the major infectious and non-communicable diseases affecting African populations. WACCBIP’s DELTAS II programme seeks to build on its successes by providing high quality training and advanced research on the mechanisms underlying the development of infectious diseases (IDs) and non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
WACCBIP has assembled a top-class team of scientists from institutions in Africa, Europe and the United States to conduct high-quality research and training for young African scientists. Our team seeks to address the double threat of IDs and NCDs facing Africa, by providing advanced laboratory-based research and training to build the skills necessary for effective disease surveillance, control of drug resistance, development of new diagnostic tools, drugs and vaccines, and characterization of genetic predictors of risk of NCDs.
University of Cambridge (UK), London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (UK), University of Liberia, Francis Crick Institute (UK), Medical Research Council Unit (The Gambia), University of Lagos (Nigeria), John Hopkins University (USA).