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Consortia Director: Prof Thumbi Ndungu

Consortia Name: Sub-Saharan African Network for TB/HIV Research Excellence (SANTHE 2.0)

Country: South Africa

Focus Area: DELTAS Africa II

About the consortia

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SANTHE is a multidisciplinary consortium of African-led research and capacity strengthening leading locally relevant discovery and policy-impacting science in Africa and globally. Given the widespread roll-out of antiretroviral treatment (ART) and an ageing population of people living with HIV, the long-term use of ART will shape the incidence and management of NCDs in sub-Saharan Africa. We believe that to tackle these public health challenges, collaborative, multidisciplinary research that includes the social sciences, clinical research and biomedical sciences is needed. Each partner site brings focused research strengths and needs aligned to SANTHE’s thematic areas of research -- amplifying the effectiveness of the individual research teams.


Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership, Collaborative Clinical Research Centre (USA), Zambia Emory HIV Research Project, Makerere University (Uganda), KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme (Kenya) and the Center of Research for Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases (CREMER, USA).