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Consortia Director: Prof Amina Abubakar

Consortia Name: African Leadership for Measuring brain health in children and Adolescents (ALMA)

Country: Kenya

Focus Area: DELTAS Africa II

About the consortia

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Understanding early-life brain development within the unique African context creates opportunities for scientific discovery and tailored healthcare. The ALMA integrated neuroscience network proposes to study these strongly interdependent topics within the research-rich environment of its African partners.  The network is co-led by two new African-run research institutes, the AKU’s Institute for Human Development in Nairobi, and the UCT Neuroscience Institute in Cape Town.

 Three important gaps will be addressed to identify the needs of African children and ensure their optimal development: a dearth of locally generated evidence that would inform locally relevant interventions; a lack of a critical mass of trained people to produce required evidence, and the need to exploit our centres of excellence to equip and train neuroscientists across Africa.



University of Cape Town (South Africa), University of Malawi, University of Zambia, University of Oxford (UK), and the Harvard School of Public Health (USA).