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Consortia Director: Prof Ikram Guizani

Consortia Name: African Leishmaniases Consortium for developing a paradigm for eliminating neglected diseases in Africa (ALC)

Country: Tunisia

Focus Area: DELTAS Africa II

About the consortia

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ALC aims to translate advances in sciences including genomics for novel control and surveillance tools and strategies; to leverage the novel control tools to support diagnosis and patient management, and vector control; and to build interactive disease distribution- and predictive risk- maps for programmatic use; to engage strategic research and Think-Tanks to accelerate use of evidence in policy towards control and elimination of leishmaniases.


University of Sciences, Techniques and Technology of Bamako (Mali), Armauer Hansen Research Institute (Ethiopia), Pasteur Institute of Algeria, Institut Pasteur of Morocco, Ibn Sina University (Sudan), University of Ibadan Research Foundation (Nigeria) and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (Spain).